
These are a select collection of my favorite projects. You can find the code for some of them on GitHub.


Bokeh Audit

Bokeh audit main page.

We performed an in-depth accessibility evaluation for the interactive data visualization Python library, Bokeh.


Softerware project page.

Softerware is an approach for designing systems that can be customized and personalized by people with disabilities.

Data Navigator

Data Navigator project and website.

Data Navigator is a system for creating accessible data structures that can be navigated with a variety of assistive technologies.


Chartability project and website.

Chartability is a set of principles and heuristics for evaluating the accessibility of data experiences.

Visa Chart Components

Visa Chart Component example image and website.

Visa Chart Components is an accessibility focused, framework agnostic set of data experience design systems components for the web.

Older (No Accessibility Guaranteed)

Modeling Career Hot Streaks

Screenshot of the Hot Streaks website. Fair warning: this website is not accessible and from mine olden days.

Our interactive Hot Streaks model promoted Liu et al’s research, visualizing over 1m data points on the web using SVG.

Masses in the Stellar Graveyard

Screenshot of the Masses website. Fair warning: this website is not accessible and from mine olden days.

Our Masses interactive promoted LIGO-Virgo’s gravitational wave research and has been used in the Nobel Lecture on Physics, over 50 research papers, and 9 textbooks.

Surface-Wave Radiation Patterns

Screenshot of the Surface-Wave tool. Fair warning: this website may or may not be accessible, I only built one part of it.

Our Surface-Wave Radiation Pattern tool is deployed and used by seismologists worldwide that visualizes radiation patterns of earthquakes based on arbitrary moment tensor inputs.

Tie-Breaking Bias in the Supreme Court

How Casting the Deciding Vote Influences Justices' Decisions. New research shows that Supreme Court justices are more likely to vote in line with their ideology when casting a pivotal vote. Fair warning: these tools are not accessible and from mine olden days.

Our interactive figure helped promote Spenkuch’s research that supreme court justices that break a tie will vote more often in line with their party than they would otherwise.

Automation and US Cities

Screenshot of the cities automation tool. Fair warning: these tools are not accessible and from mine olden days.

We collaborated with Hyejin Youn and Inho Hong to create 2 data interactives for their research on job automation across different US metro areas.

Household Water Insecurity Experiences (HWISE) Global Map

A map of research sites across the globe. Fair warning: these tools are not accessible and from mine olden days.

Our interactive map was used to help Sera Young’s lab keep track of their research sites across the world and promote their research mission.